The Essential Guide to Test Automation

Tissha Joshi
Nov 20, 2020


As digital transformation impacts businesses in every market, organizations need to decide whether they take the driver’s seat or drift along with the changes that happen around.

With the emergence of new business models and raised customer expectations, enterprises look for solutions that give them wings without compromising on their ideals of quality.

Quality Assurance and testing are at the heart of this digital journey where Agile and DevOps have become the norm. Test Automation is what drives continuous testing — which in turn supports quality delivery at speed and reduces risks.

Test Automation is the pillar of DevOps success enabling productivity and improving go-to-market times. However, there are different approaches to test automation.

One common mistake that organizations make when adopting test automation is not analysing the value or ROI of test automation to their specific needs. Whether you are a beginner or an expert at test automation, using automation for the sake of it will not realize its optimum potential.

The Essential Guide to Test Automation takes a comprehensive view of test automation, its KPIs and metrics and what enterprises should expect from it at each stage of their DevOps journey.

Using some of the best practices and metrics mentioned in this guide, you can set your test automation strategy and leverage its full potential to reduce costs, risks and improve your go-to-market.

Download it here.



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